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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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  • 獲獎類別

    克里奧國際廣告獎 (Clio International Advertising Award)

  • 獲獎年份


  • 品牌

    Anheuser Busch Michelob ULTRA

  • 廣告

    McEnroe vs McEnroe


在過去的7年裡,Michelob ULTRA 一直挑戰著嚴肅的體育和健身文化,提醒人們「只有在你享受的時候才值得」。儘管近年來取得了成功,淡啤酒類別中的競爭依然不容小覷。銷售在很大程度上受到文化相關性的推動。因此,我們需要加強我們在體育娛樂方面建立的文化相關性。特別是在受歡迎的運動員們在不惜一切代價取得勝利的壓力下,快樂不斷受到消磨。於是,網球傳奇人物約翰·麥肯羅登場了,他不以充滿喜悅而聞名;事實上,他更因為在網球比賽中的爆發而為人所知。但幸運的是,約翰在結束職業生涯後重新找到了對網球的樂趣,成為一名評論員和教練,重新點燃了他對這項運動的熱愛。因此,我們給了約翰一個機會,在與年輕時的自己對決中找回他曾經否認的快樂。網球與科幻相遇, Michelob ULTRA 創造了第一場人類對抗人工智慧的網球比賽。麥肯羅與過去完全由人工智慧模擬的自己進行了一場較量,這個比賽在 ESPN 全球播出。一個因為摔拍而出名的人開創了新的領域,並且愛上了其中的每一秒。


For over 7 years, Michelob ULTRA has challenged the seriousness of sports and fitness culture, reminding people that “It’s only worth it if you enjoy it.” But despite recent success, competition in the light beer category is relentless. Sales are driven heavily by cultural relevance. So we needed to strengthen the cultural relevance we had built around joy in sports. Especially as popular athletes struggled with the joy-killing pressure to win at all costs. Enter tennis legend John McEnroe. He wasn’t exactly known for being joyful. In fact, he’s better known for his outbursts during tennis matches. Thankfully, John has found joy in tennis after his playing career, rekindling his love for the game as a commentator and as a coach. So we gave John the opportunity to find the joy he denied himself as a player… in a match against his younger self. Tennis met science fiction as Michelob ULTRA created the first human vs. A.I. tennis match. McEnroe went head-to-head against full A.I. versions of himself from the past, broadcast globally on ESPN. A man famous for breaking rackets broke new ground and loved every second of it.

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