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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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  • 獲獎類別

    金鉛筆獎(Golden Pencil Award)

  • 獲獎年份


  • 品牌

    Burger King Mexico/Global

  • 廣告

    The Traffic Jam Whopper


有鑒於墨西哥市區交通阻塞情形嚴重,漢堡王想出個名利雙收的辦法—使用實時數據(real-time data)檢測出受困於交通阻塞中的潛在漢堡王顧客,並為他們提供「外送到車」服務。他們依據不同交通阻塞的區域調整了廣告牌的位置和推廣內容,邀請駕駛使用聲控語音系統訂購功能下單,成功運用了人工智慧來解決墨西哥當地所面臨的難題。


Given the severe traffic jam in Mexico's urban area, Burger King uses real-time data to detect potential Burger King customers trapped in the traffic and provide them with "Delivery to Car" service. Burger King also analyzes the traffic jam in different areas and adjust the location for the advertisement billboard. They also allow the drivers to use the voice activation system to place orders. They successfully solve the local problems in Mexico using artificial intelligence technology.

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