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    金鉛筆獎(Golden Pencil Award)

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    For The Throne


每個人都希望成為《權力的遊戲》最後一季的一部分。 但是王座之路並不容易。 HBO因此向世界提出了一個問題:為了王座,您願走多遠? 來自世界各地的粉絲試圖做一些與王座有聯繫的事情:他們以權力的遊戲方式在超級碗謀殺了芽騎士; 他們說服Shake Shack漢堡創建了一個秘密的瓦雷利亞菜單; 他們剝離了Mountain Dew的品牌,創建了“無名的罐頭”; 他們把NBA森林狼變成了恐狼。 三十萬名粉絲走了480萬公里,以尋找隱藏的王座。超過30萬名粉絲為紅十字捐血。


As the final season approaches, everyone wanted to be part of Game of Thrones. But just like how it was dipicted in the tv series, there’s no easy path to the throne. HBO thus, asked the world one question: How far would you go #ForTheThrone?. Fans from all over the world tried to do something to have connections with the Throne: They murdered the Bud Knight at the Super Bowl in GoT fashion; they convinced Shake Shack to create a secret Valyrian menu; they stripped Mountain Dew’s branding to create A Can with No Name; they turned the NBA Timberwolves into the Direwolves; 30,0000 fans travelled 4.8 million km on quests to find hidden thrones, and over 300,000 fans sacrificed blood for the Red Cross.

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