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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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在德國,許多奢侈品與書的稅率僅有7%,而衛生棉條這種生活必需品的增值稅卻不可置信地高達19%。衛生棉條電商Scholz&Friends和德國女性用品公司The Female Company決定以巧妙的方式讓人們注意到法律的荒謬。The Female Company推出隱藏在書本中的衛生棉條,從而規避衛生棉條稅。 一星期內有10.000本書售罄。 此企劃推動了德國法條的變更,2019年11月7日,德國終於免除月經稅。


In Germany many luxury goods were taxed with a reduced rate of only 7 percent, while tampons — an essential item — attracted the top VAT rate of 19 percent. Scholz & Friends and The Female Company, an online shop for tampons, decided to outsmart the sexist law — with the law itself: Books are taxed at 7 percent. Therefore, The Female Company sold tampons hidden inside a book, thus avoiding the tampon tax. 10.000 copies of the book sold out within one week. On November 7, 2019, Germany abolished the tampon tax.–The One Show

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