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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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  • 獲獎類別

    金鉛筆獎(Golden Pencil Award)

  • 獲獎年份


  • 品牌

    BMW AG

  • 廣告

    The Small Escape


有史以來最小的車—BMW Isetta是柏林圍牆倒塌前被使用來協助東德人逃離共產世界的逃難車,BMW為紀念冷戰終結和東西德統一,特別製作了改編自真實事件的Isetta微電影,重現1964年汽車修理技師改造 Isetta 來偷渡人的過程,強調其深遠的歷史意義以及特殊功用。


BMW Isetta, the smallest car in history, was used to help East Germans escape from the communist before the fall of the Berlin Wall. To commemorate the end of the Cold War and Eastern and Western Germany's reunification, BMW specially produced the Isetta micro-film adapted from real events. In 1964, auto repair technicians reformed Isetta to smuggle people, emphasizing its profound historical significance and particular function.

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