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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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  • 獲獎類別

    克里奧國際廣告獎 (Clio International Advertising Award)

  • 獲獎年份


  • 品牌

    Grupo Estratégico PAE

  • 廣告

    Morning After Island


13年前,洪都拉斯成為拉丁美洲唯一禁止事後避孕藥的國家。自那時以來,有33萬名未成年少女成為了母親。如今,在洪都拉斯,每四名婦女和少女中就有一人在18歲之前懷孕,其中一半是被她們身邊最親近的男性強姦。GE PAE是一家非政府組織,已經奮鬥了十多年來撤銷這一禁令,面臨著嚴重的困難最終,「隔日島」的想法誕生了。這是一個平台,讓我們在不懼受審判的情況下服用藥物,發出我們的聲音,被世界看到和聽到,沒有人能讓我們沉默。在這裡,我們可以建立支持,向政府施壓,爭取改變。我們建立了這個平台,並定期免費提供船隻,供需要藥物的婦女使用。然後,我們製作了第一個女性權益活動家的短片。在推出不到一周後,來自美國、阿根廷和印度的網紅呼籲他們的數百萬粉絲表示支持。這種初步的病毒式傳播使得CNN國際報導了此事;從那裡,勢頭變得無可阻擋。我們已經實現了主要目標:這個問題不再被傳統的洪都拉斯媒體或政府官員埋沒。總統在國際婦女節邀請GE PAE進行正式會議,在會上討論了事後避孕藥的問題。與此同時,國會也在討論其他許多困擾洪都拉斯婦女的問題。結果,健康部長在10月宣布,強姦受害者將被授權使用事後避孕藥。


13 years ago, Honduras became the only country in Latin America to ban the morning after pill. Since then, 330,000 underage girls have become mothers. Today, one out of every four Honduran women and girls will become pregnant before turning 18, fully half raped by the men closest to them. GE PAE is an NGO that has fought for over a decade to repeal the prohibition. In the end, they came the idea for Morning After Island. A platform to take the pill without fear of prosecution, to raise our voices, be seen and heard by the world, with no one to silence us. Where we could build support and pressure our government for change. We built the platform and scheduled regular voyages free of cost to any woman who needed the pill. We then produced the first short video with a female rights activist. Less than a week after launch, influencers from the US to Argentina to India were calling on their millions of followers to show their support. This initial virality earned coverage from CNN International; from there, the momentum became unstoppable. We’d achieved our main goal: this issue could no longer be silenced by traditional Honduran media or its government officials. The President invited GEPAE to a formal meeting on International Woman’s Day, where they discussed the issue of the morning after pill. Simultaneously, Congress met to discuss the many additional problems facing Honduran women. As a result, in October the health minister announced that the use of the morning-after pill will be authorized for rape victims.

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