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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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2021年加密貨幣在美國出現了強勁的認知度成長,但仍有近三分之二的美國人對加密貨幣一無所知,也認為加密貨幣不適合「像他們這樣的人」。然而,45%的潛在目標觀眾表示,如果有人引導他們進行過程,他們更有可能考慮使用加密貨幣。簡單來說,最好的學習方法就是實踐。因此,「少說話,多比特幣」應運而生。我們的想法是創造一個大規模的參與時刻,以最簡單的方式吸引新手進入加密經濟——透過向他們展示參與的方式就是下載應用程式。Coinbase公司的「少說話,多加密貨幣」在美國最大的媒體時刻——超級盃(Super Bowl)上——發揮了最大的作用。通過一個非常簡單的執行方式,它引領觀眾進行了一個非常直觀的客戶旅程:掃描廣告中的QR碼,下載應用程序,並獲得比特幣獎勵。不但沒有任何麻煩,也完全符合Coinbase公司為其客戶提供的體驗,這個廣告在60秒內迅速擴散……難怪該網站崩潰了。


Cryptocurrency saw strong awareness growth in 2021, but nearly two-thirds of all Americans still didn’t understand cryptocurrency and didn’t think crypto was for “people like them.” However, 45% of the growth audience said they’d be more likely to consider crypto if someone guided them through the process. Simplifying this insight further: the best way to learn is to do. And thus, “Less Talk, More Bitcoin'' was born. Our idea centered on creating a mass participation moment to bring newcomers into the cryptoeconomy in the simplest way—by showing them that getting involved is as easy as downloading an app. Coinbase’s “Less Talk, More Crypto” :60 Super Bowl spot made the most out of the biggest media moment in the US. With an incredibly simple execution, it took viewers on a very direct customer journey: scan the QR code within the spot to get the app and get rewarded with Bitcoin. No fuss and authentic to the experience that Coinbase provides for its customers. A viral hit within 60 wonder the site crashed.

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