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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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  • 獲獎類別

    克里奧國際廣告獎 (Clio International Advertising Award)

  • 獲獎年份


  • 品牌

    Spinneys and the Lebanese Breast Cancer Foundation

  • 廣告

    The Bread Exam


傳統習俗阻止了黎巴嫩婦女公開談論她們的身體,我們必須向她們展示如何進行自我檢查,但提及或顯示乳房。以尊重傳統。我們將利用這一點,決定與世界上最古老的習俗之一——烘焙麵包——攜手合作。《麵包自檢》是一段食譜影片,其中一位傳統的黎巴嫩麵包師傅,烏姆·阿里(Um Ali),通過類似的動作來示範乳房自我檢查的步驟:揉搓和按壓麵糰。這些手勢沒有提到乳房,將一個親密且令人羞愧的主題轉變為一個可以接受的日常經驗。原始的《麵包自檢》影片於粉紅十月(10月4日)在社群媒體上發布。食譜還可以通過超市的麵粉包裝上找到,並看到在市場的現場示範。不久之後,食譜透過一位約旦網紅(Manal Alalem)傳遞到中東,然後在世界癌症日(2月4日)傳播到歐洲,土耳其、德國和英國的網紅分享了他們自己的《麵包自檢》,觸及世界各地的數百萬名婦女。甚至有一個Instagram提醒婦女每個月都要繼續自我檢查。有了烘焙的幫助,自我檢查從一個禁忌變成了一個傳統,為婦女提供了一個全新的儀式:86%的人宣稱,從現在開始,烘焙將永遠提醒她們進行自我檢查。


Tradition prevented Lebanese women from talking openly about their bodies, so we had to show them how to perform a self-exam without ever mentioning nor showing breasts. However, they respect these traditions and don’t want to break away from them. So we used this to our advantage and decided to join forces with one of the oldest customs in the world: baking bread. “The Bread Exam” is a recipe video where a traditional Lebanese baker, Um Ali, demonstrates the steps of a breast self-exam through a similar gesture: the act of kneading and pressing dough. The gestures are shown without a single mention of breasts, transforming an intimate and shameful subject into an acceptable, everyday experience. The original Bread Exam video was released on social media during Pink October (4th). The recipe was also available via more traditional touch points: on Spinneys’ packs of flour, on bread wrappers and demonstrated live in souks and Spinneys stores. Soon after, the recipe expanded to the Middle East via a Jordanian influencer (Manal Alalem), before spreading to Europe on World Cancer Day (4th February) as influencers in Turkey, Germany and the UK shared their own Bread Exams, reaching millions of women around the world. An Instagram reminder even told women to keep self-checking every month. Thanks to baking, self-checking went from a taboo to a tradition, providing women with a brand new ritual: 86% declared that from now on baking will always remind them to self-check.

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