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獲獎案例(Award-winning case)

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    金鉛筆獎(Golden Pencil Award)

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    See Sound


聽障人士日常生活中缺乏了周遭環境的警示音提醒,像是小孩的哭鬧求救聲或是消防警鈴疏散聲,也因此安全上有疑慮。為方便聽障人士能自由感知自己身處環境狀況,語音辨識科技新創公司 Wavio 透過 YouTube 上的各種影片訓練人工智慧識別聲音來源與類別,創造了首個為聽障人士設計的智能家居系统。


People with hearing impairment lack the warning sound from the surrounding environment, such as the crying help of a child or the fire alarm's evacuation sound, making them susceptible to safety concerns. Wavio trained artificial intelligence to identify the source and the type of sound through various YouTube videos and created the first smart home system designed for the hearing impaired, which allows them to perceive the environment more conveniently. 

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